I'M ALIVE!!!!!!
The two consecutive exams almost killed me!!!!
First was the stupid Signals and Systems!!! Then the stupid Introductory Electronics!!!
Ok, anyway during Sat and Sun we study SS like mad then after exam for SS we study IE like mad...
As in overnight study, x sleep punya mad (for IE nia... Lala )... I know lar a lot people out there do this and I quote,
'Oh because of exam/asg/test I didn't sleep 1/2/3 nights you know!!'
But ar, that is the one thing I x pernah do ok...
To people out there who cakap the benda I quote, I really pui fook you! I one night x sleep oso like keep nodding off... You can tahan 2 to 3 nights is like impossible! When I mean x sleep, I really mean x sleep. Not even 1 or 2 hours sleep... Seriously ok... Ok I cheated a little and dozed off for an hour or so but to you guys out there who always do this I salute you man!
I, who can go on for one or two weeks with a constant of 2 to 3 hours of sleep a day oso cannot tahan 1 night of sleepless night, SALUTE YOU!!!!
Ok then the IE exam was ok lar... Kinda like if I get ngam ngam pass I will go pray to thank you god... Seriously god, I will believe you for one day!!!!
And if you 'ting' me to have PSP and understand Japanese I will go to church every Sunday for 1 year...
Of course if I sendiri buy PSP then it doesn't count...
And if I sendiri go diligently study until I can understand Japanese then that deal is also null and void...
Ok lar... I know I jahat and choose the Christian God nia... But if you really wan me choose I would rather go church...
Aha! I know you will say 'you believe in God ler, if you think like that...'
Then I will sei sei deny it...
But like what moral notes said humans are born naturally to believe in the existence of god... That notion is ingrained in our mind.
My basic instincts tells me that god exist because my parents and most of the world says so... I like any other kid went to church (whatever holy place you believe that you are suppose to go to pray... Too long faham-faham lar) and witnessed questionable stuff that sorta proves the exsistence of god. Which scientist will explain off as, the power of the human mind.
BUT! I still dun believe in God or you can say I have no faith.
How can you believe and yet not believe?
Subconsiously I might accept that there is a god somewhere out there.
Subconciously I might also have already accepted that the 'GOD' in question is none other than God (Jehovah) and also of course Jesus (they come in a package).
But conciously, I choose to not have faith and I also choose to live my own live, my way and not cling to 'guidance' from 'God'.
Beware because according to Moral notes, I might just suddenly decide that burning up UTAR and all the student in it is a reasonable act as I am actually more prone to doing bad things, because I dun believe in God, because Gos is not there to guide me, because if I believe and have faith in God I will fear retribution and not burn down UTAR just because I dun wanna take the next exam.
Behold the great 'philosophy' of life...
I have my own view on what is good and bad, what is right or wrong and I think this quote is so NGAM!!!!
A world world without God,
'is a better world. A place where we are responsible for our own actions, where we can be kind because we want to and because it is the right thing to do instead of being frightened into behaving by the threat of divine punishment. I won't tell you what to believe, Eragon. It is far better to be taught to think critically and then be allowed to make your own decisions than to have someone else's notion thrust upon you.'
Quoted from Oromis, a character in Eldest by Christopher Paolini.
Gosh I so love that quote...
I also believe, by saying and believing the whole God is there to guide us, religion is there to guide us, humans condemn themselves to a world where no one trusts no one. One who is an aethiest or an agnostic will do more harm than good. If you dun believe in God you are more prone to do bad things.
What the FUCK thinking is that!
I know that people will say, no ar humans will betray you lor and they are not worthy enough for yours/ours/people's faith. They will only care for themselves and they will not do things for the greater good.
Please review that thought people! Ok since I'm familiar with Christianity I will look at things from that point of view.
GOD! once cursed the two first people on earth with hard labour and with pain in childbirth, and banished them from His garden just because they became smart to think (because of the Apple of Knowledge from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that he told them not to eat. He supposedly said and I quote 'for on the day you eat of it you shall surely die.' SEEE!!!! He even lied... Super swt lor...).
Why not just name it Evil and be done with it... Swt nia... He even lied to them... I really bang head...
Oh and thinking is evil. People should just stop thinking.
GOD once drowned the whole world because humans became to bad to save. GOD meteorite a whole city because the people inside became too bad to save. GOD also turn a woman, who is one of the good people in the city, into a pillar of stone because he told her not to look at him meteorit-ing the city and she looked. GOD also decreed that people who are not priest cannot touch the contents of the Ark. Who ever else who touches it will die. AND that is exactly what happen during the time when they transported the Ark, and the Ark fell and innocent people tried to help.
So?? Not enough ar... I know lar, I know lar, he did it for the 'good' of mankind...
And you will like God gives us trials and tribulation because he loves us and wants us to learn... When we dun learn that is when we will succumb to death or something else bla bla bla la la la...
And I can even quote the guy from Angels and Demons by Dan Brown who said something like (I malas dig the book... OK FINE I GO DIG HNG!)
Gosh so long... Swt nia... I'll take photos lar...So you can comfort yourself with that when He doesn't do anything at all... But don't you hope sometimes that he will actually really lend a hand? I do believe that although He won't 'mollycoddle' us, there is a limit to what a parent, or in this case God, should and should not interfere with... Will you interfere if you know your kid is on drugs? Or that he is attempting suicide? Or maybe he's just cutting for kicks? Will you or will you not interfere?
Sleep on this people...
I'm not telling you what to and what not to believe in, I am merely justifying my reasons of not believing and not having faith...
When did I suddenly get pulled into this whole religion thingy ar... Swt nia lor...
And throughout my whole rant ar I type 'teh' soooooooo many times...
And I went reading mangas in Borders again... Swt nia... The new FMA anime follow the manga a bit lor... Lol... Not exactly though... OMG here are some stupid thingy!!! LOL!!!And ar, I forgot to take the pic where the Armstrong take off his baju and everyone like '?? Why he take of baju??'
This one DAMN LOL!!!!SUPER LMAO OK!!!! LOL!!!!
P.S: Due to our scrutinization and speculation we(me and Sen) have decided that Viz translated the manga wrongly. The total height and the body height should in fact be switched in order for this piece of brilliant manga strip to make more sense and of course to make it funny.
- Location: Home - I X MAU CHANGE BED SHEETS!!!
- Mood: LAZY...
- Music: No Regrets - Koda Kumi