I sien till I go play back Warcraft 3!
So swt lor... Hng...
And ar, Moral exam is only 7 days away... T.T
The past week make me
But I x post anything cos I'm not calm enough to actually write something that normal human beings will understand...
The post will most probably consist of
&%$#@* ***&^%$%#@#@@ >*&<&%^&$@#$%^>>^%&<^$%&
and so on and so forth...
Now that the anger has actually dissipated into disappointment + anger...
LOL no matter what still angry...
I can state that those people are only aware of what they do for people and they are never aware of what people do for them! See how selfish those people are...
And this is how we 'love' each other...
Of course I would have showed them the finger and said
'Love??!! Your ASS lor!!! You fucking fatass, shithead, son of a bitch!!'
But, because of the thickness of their skull, I would rather not waste my breath and the strength to lift and show the finger...
Of course if I forcefully ram my fist into their nose I might be able to make my point but I am actually fearful of what will happen to my fingers...
Will they actually break??
Will my fingers be strong enough to challenge the legendary thickness of their skull??
If I miss their nose, will my fist bounce off the curly thick insulating layer that protects their thickhead against assault?
Will I bounce off and fly cos of the super bouncy insulating thick layer of curly unknown material??
I so fat wor... It's near impossible... But like someone, cannot remember who, once said, nothing is impossible... Due to the queries above I finally decided to not pursue the matter, of getting my point through their thickhead.
I love food anyway...
I just devoured 2 packets of Apollo Chocolate Swiss Roll, 1 packet of Chocolate Teddy Biscuit, 2 packets of Mamee Monsters BBQ flavour, 1 Ice cream cone and a bottle of 600ml water... So swt myself... All while writing this and chatting with my Pet...
Random pic of Sen and Rika in Pizza Hut...AND AR THE SHOP WHICH GIVE THIS PAPER BAG IS SO COOL!!!!
SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!! GOSH!!!!!!!!!!
Ok now for my thoughts on the latest Bleach, FMA and Naruto... Not the today one lar... I haven go check come out d bo... But the last week wan was like...
BLEACH ---> Totally ridiculous... SO SWT!!!
Naruto --->
Still ok lar... Better than few weeks ago ar... Lala...
FMA---> The remake is just not as emotional?? When I watch till the 'scary' part I actually felt like
In the end, I still like FMA 1 better, but 2 episodes is too early to judge cos I like episode 1 well enough... So let's wait a while see how lar...
This is a pic taken with my camera... I dunno how I berjaya make it like that, but it's like an abstract art or something... So yeng...
PS: The person who quote 'Nothing is impossible' is Francois de La Rochefoucauld... The full quote is 'Nothing is impossible; there are ways that lead to everything, and if we had sufficient will we should always have sufficient means. It is often merely for an excuse that we say things are impossible.' I googled this... If salah ar dun blame me... Lala...
PSS: Naruto and Bleach out d... Downloading now... Ai ya not bad lar hah... LOL just the usual suspense... Except for the no. 0 thingy for Bleach and the whole lets flashback thingy for Naruto... Actually still swt nia but... Boleh tahan lar... Lala...
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