Wednesday, December 30, 2009


War of the Office!

29 December 2009, On this beautiful cool morning, I arrive to a relatively peaceful office. It was a pleasant surprise, when I saw, Cute-ass-devil-boss, CADB's ass greeting me as I opened the door. However it was short lived. The surprise turn into amusement when the war started.

Let me acquaint you on how it began. A short instruction CADB gave me was all it needed to stoke the embers and turn it into fire.

CADB instructed me along the line of 'Adelene, please see Nazari tomorrow and hand over the softcopy of the list to him.'

Hearing this, my colleague, his girlfriend (GF), said to him what she has been telling me for the past few weeks. 'Why are you giving away my catalogues ar! They are mine ok! I so san fu ask people to send to me de! NOW YOU GIVING IT AWAY!'

CADB, however, was calm and collected when he faced the wrath of his GF. He tried to explain, fruitlessly I might add, to her that he is not 'giving' it away. He is arranging for the catalogues to be archived for future reference. She can utilize it anytime she wants to.

She then gave a no-nonsense glare and said, 'No, why I cannot keep with me ler! All those are mine k!'

CADB replied rather coldly, 'You dun even have any place to actually keep these catalogues! Y are you so insistent. Do you even understand what it means to archive all these. Do you know it's the GM's (General Manager) intention to have this done?'

Hotly she retaliated, 'OH! Now you use GM's name lar! I cannot say anything d lor! I cannot even claim my stuff lar now!'

'It's not yours. These are the company's property!' says he.

'It's MINE! Some of those are not for company use lor! I requested some catalogues for my own use de lor!' says she.

This went on for quite some time. Until she stood there, tall and menacing, with a hot glare upon her face. She huffed lightly and stalked of to where the catalogues are and started going through them. She pulled out a few and said, 'These are staying,' firmly.

What a sight it was to see the completely incredulous look dawning upon CADB's face. He visibly gave himself a mental shake, turn to me and said meaningfully, 'Adelene. You've already log these right!' He waved his hand in a sweeping gesture over the boxes of catalogues.

What else could I do but nod, as that was the truth. She gave a small gasp of surprise at my nod and questioned me, 'You've made a list of all these!'

Another nod was my answer to that question. She gave my answer a few seconds of thought before she forcefully said, 'DELETE IT THEN.'

At this CADB face was blankly stunned. He stood there swaying a little as he stared open mouthed at his dear GF.

She gave a nod as to reassure the situation and went back to digging for any catalogues that she might have left out of the 'staying' list. My boss, for I pitied him then, or CADB as we all know, was still standing there stunned by the turn of events. A few long moments later, he gathered his pride and said, 'Ai Rene can you at least finish the Bina Wajar list for me?'

For a short moment it seems that she has chosen to ignore this statement. However she did eventually went back to her place and worked on the list.

There was an awkward silence when both of them worked on the list. A while later, I assumed she finish, she went back to digging through the catalogues. CADB ignored this the best he can used her phone to call someone and talked about work for a while. Then he stood up, looked at her, his face still blank, and left.

Here are the live telecast from STIM in twitter.

War of the Office live feed from ur resident Stuck-in-the-middle person! She has struck again!Underminng bosses (BF) authority!Stay tune!#fb

And thus WOTO 2 has ended...


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