NOT! LOL!!! Instead of studying for tomorrow's test, we kinda just ignore and do nonsense... Ok as usual cos today is study day we meet in McD then went to school mah... Sen so baik hati belanja Rika and me the tambum biscuit... Or what Sen dubbed as Dragon Ball...Ok anyway we left it on the dashboard of his car and went to class mah... Wah!! The sun heated up the dragon ball till so warm and fuzzy... Seriously can literally melt in your mouth... Damn sedap man!!! Taste like it just came out from the oven lor.... Lala...
Ok I kena marah today cos I suppose to blog the picture Rika took... With my phone summore... Hng... These were taken yesterday during lab... As usual Rika and Sen got nothing to do and they just lepak around and vandalize some stuff... Including the contents of my pencil case... Hng...
and women...
All cos we didn't bring lab sheet... Thus we had to copy the circuits from Kin Soon...I drew this...
and this done by Rika instead...
Without any remorse whatsoever, we just conteng the table... I STILL HATE YOUR GUTS MOON!!!
My stuff that Sen and Rika vandalize... Hng...I so cham... Waa... Summore I found out after I gave the speech...
'Ai ya, you all already use my stuff like your stuff kan... Dun need to pretend pretend lar....'
Then I saw all the names... I was like...
'SWT LOR!!! Y you x write Kanda instead!!!'
My dinner for today is seaweed soup...I know it looks disgusting... Summore can see the carrot inside... Eugh... But it's actually not bad... My sis tapao from KTAR cafeteria summore...
Ah due to the conversation of said Daniel Radcliffe's bushy groin area (check it out here... Seriously... Just... -shudder-), I mention to Sen and Rika that he did a broadway show that has a nude scene bla bla bla... Then Sen say he heard before and ask me find the pics...
Ok I dun wanna post the bushy hair pics, so you all just google image 'daniel radcliffe equus' lar... Can see nice pics there... Or just go here lar... I dun wanna open my blog and see bushy hair... So forgive me for not actually posting the pics...
Ok in the quest of finding the pics for Sen I found this...Ok seriously I cannot deny that I find him rugged-ly hot... So I conclude that a Daniel Radcliffe that smiles is like eugh...
and ewwww....
Must make up for those pics... Thus...My beloved Kanda...
Last week's Naruto and Bleach is like whoa!!!
So like they finally decided to actually wanna kill Sasuke themselves... Will be so gan cheong d... Naruto sure sei sei say no de lor... Then he will do something stupid like go warn Sasuke and get killed in the process... YEAH!!! Happy Ending!!!
As for Bleach as long as they stick with the current part of the battle then I woulb be happy... If they go show the others fighting the Yammi ar... Gosh... Sien nia...
So far No.2 seems like the all powerful unbeatable type just like Aizen, No.1 seems beatable, at the moment and No.0... No.0 is just plain -bangs head on wall-... Ok, I guess I'll overlook No.4's second release and the No.10 turn No.0... Let's hope there will be no No.-1, No.-2 and so on... Oh well, I'm sure I will have more to endure in the future... So kayau!!!!
- Location: Home - Still still still gila Travian...
- Mood: : I DUN NEED STUDY!!! MUA HA HA!!!
- Music: Soon We'll Be Found - Sia
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