Sei yan tau punya 07-Ghost so gan cheong!!!!!! Damnit! I have to wait till next week!!!! Go die lar!!!! Waa!!!!
Oh some usual stuff lar hah... LOL... 07-Ghost punya screenshot...Gosh so sweet... Teito hugging Guy #1 a.k.a. Hakuren...
Teito straddling Guy #2 a.k.a. Frau... Lol... Seems like he has a thing for blonds... I wonder who he will end up with in the end... I'm voting for Guy #1... Kayau Hakuren!!!
As usual got side pairings mah... This is the bad guy side punya pairing...The seme, Haruse...
The uke, Kuroyuri...
And what comes after the 'Now drink my blood'... LOL... This part have to use your own imagination... The anime didn't show this part... Haha... Mind you the drinking blood part is because the Haruse guy is some evil being that needs blood to replenish lost dark energy... LOL!!!
The following picture is a newspaper clipping from the Sun dated 10th August 2009... When we (me, Rika, and Sen) read that article titled 'Unconventional methods to prevent H1N1', we were like WTH!!!!How can this so called Dr be so ignorant as to believe that masturbation, homosexual sex and heterosexual sex is different... In the end they are all just a form of sexual activity. Be it legal or not, ALL forms of sexual activity will cause 'the body to develop friction heat'. If people are so stupid as to think that "normal" sexual activity will not cause 'the body to develop friction heat' then they are truly so dense that no education in this world can save them.
This is just pure bullshit ok... Thank god today when I went to MacD to study I picked up today's copy of the Sun...
A INTELLIGENT person has wrote to the Sun regarding the article above...This Colin guy is so right! There is already a lack of sex education but to actually make such unfounded, biased, misleading, unproven, groundless claims is unwarranted. As a person of science please do not let your judgments, biasness and disapproval of something cloud your mind when making an statements like this. 'Statements' that are made by distinguished people will be accepted by the public as truths. When such 'distinguished' people make statements, they have to at least tell the truth or have solid proof to support said statement.
Gosh seriously what the hell is wrong with people nowadays...
This is my Analogue Electronics assignment...So yeng!!! LOL!!!
When push come to shove, UTAR or KTAR students can really shove back very hard...The chair that is place by the road side to prevent students from parking there are idly ignored... Just seriously geng... LOL!!!
Kesiannye all the chairs... Haha!!!
I bet you all know Sen went buy formal shoes mah, read this anyway... Then when he was choosing his shoe we came across this particularly 'nice' looking shoes...Oh look at the curly cute little ribbons...
Ok, now... Imagine the hot guy in class wearing a black shirt and slacks with a silver tie... He is presenting his speech in front of the whole class enthusiastically... And you are kinda staring at him looking at his eyes, nose, and lips... Then you move on... Ah strong looking broad chest, wide shoulders, nice butt, long athletic leg and nice sho- OMG!!! What is that!!!!! Ewwww shoes!!! And when he take a step to the left waving his hands on the way, not that you'll notice anyway because you are too busy staring at the little ribbons bounce at his every step....
So TOTALLY spoil the image nia... Ceh... Who in their right mind will buy those shoes and actually wear it... Gosh... Swt lor...
- Location: Home - Still still still still gila Travian...
- Mood: Sleep sleep....
- Music: Minna Sora no Shita -ayaka
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